Link List #144: Portraits of courage, Indian beauty ideals, and fashion falling out of fashion
This week we’ve been reading about why authoritarians attack the arts, the activists who have dedicated their lives to fighting for human rights, and the defining moments of the decade according to leaders from the creative industries.

- Was this the decade that fashion itself fell out of fashion? Frieze takes a look at how negative sentiments have developed towards the industry over the course of the decade, from new initiatives encouraging hiring clothes instead of buying, to Extinction Rebellion’s fashion week boycotts.
- “Art creates pathways for subversion, for political understanding and solidarity among coalition builders.” The New York Times op-ed contributor Eve L. Ewing explores why authoritarian leaders throughout history have chosen to attack the arts.
- While national initiatives often struggle to make progress, from Trieste to Helsinki, individual cities are reducing and even ending their homelessness crises. Find out more in The Guardian.
- From Data journalist Mona Chalabi to Vanity Fair Deputy Editor Kira Pollack, It’s Nice That invites ten creative leaders to share their defining moment of the decade.
- AnOther talks to Feat. Artists founders Smita Lasrado and Nikhil Dudani about how their modeling agency aims to overturn Indian beauty ideals and provide a platform for the country’s LGBTQ community.
- To celebrate the release of KK Ottesen’s new book Activist: Portraits of Courage Huck magazine features a series of photographs of people who have dedicated their lives to the fight for human rights.
Hopefully you enjoyed the reads from this week’s Link List, but if you’ve still got an internet itch to scratch, you can find more here.
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Text: FvF Team