Link List #117: The making of Dazed and Confused, the cult of YouTube celebrities, and the last living women with bound feet
This week we’ve been reading about falling down the alt-right rabbit hole, an exciting project on a remote Canadian island, and the making of coming-of-age film Dazed and Confused.

- Once seen as a sign as wealth and marriage eligibility, binding women’s feet in China is a practice that dates back to the 13th century. Despite being outlawed in 1911, there are still a few women alive who took part in the tradition. Photographer Joe Farrell has been photographing them and documenting their stories since 2005. Find out more on Southeast Asia Globe.
- While the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the phrase “dazed and confused” may be the bimonthly style magazine, it is also the title of a 1993 coming-of-age film set in ’70s Texas. In this article, The Guardian talks to the people behind the movie’s creation about character mixtapes, anti-nostalgic intentions, and post-shooting PTSD.
- College dropout Caleb Cain speaks to The New York Times about how he became radicalized by the “decentralized cult” of far-right YouTube personalities who he says convinced him that Western civilization was under threat from Muslim immigrants and cultural Marxists, that innate I.Q. differences explained racial disparities, and that feminism was a dangerous ideology.
- Artnet takes a look at Fogo Island Arts, an art and ecology initiative founded in 2008 on an ex-fishing island in Canada. Aiming to “wed a capitalist drive with a socially conscious sensibility,” the initiative sustains itself from the profits of a $41 million luxury hotel.
- When Filipino photographer Regine David captured queer, brown-skinned male models as part of a shoot for a Hong Kong-based magazine her images were criticized for being “too progressive.” Find out more on Document Journal.
Hopefully you enjoyed the reads from this week’s Link List, but if you’ve still got an internet itch to scratch, you can find more here.
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Text: Emily May