Take our survey and win an exclusive FF x USM piece of modular furniture - Friends of Friends / Freunde von Freunden (FvF)

Take our survey and win an exclusive FF x USM piece of modular furniture

We created a brief survey to learn about the kind of content you would like to see at Friends of Friends in the future. Your answers will help our editors tailor their work to your preferences and, hopefully, add an exclusive FF x USM piece of modular furniture to your home or office.

By sharing your thoughts below, you will automatically enter the giveaway contest. Simply, fill out the survey and make sure to include your e-mail address, your date of birth, and your location.

The giveaway begins on Thursday 02.12.2021 and ends on Wednesday 08.12.2021. The winner will be contacted via email and will be asked to provide us with his full address within 7 business days after the giveaway has ended.

Terms and conditions