Link List #145: Sun simulation, South Sudan, and a fond farewell to John Baldessari
For the first Link List of 2020, we’ve been reading about how a new form of light therapy could cure your SAD (seasonal affective disorder), the President of Iraq’s growing concerns about the country once again becoming a stage for military conflict, and the legacy of renowned, witty conceptual artist John Baldessari.

- WePresent sent writer Chanté Joseph and photographer Philipp Raheem to South Sudan to capture how the socio-political situation in the country has developed, and to talk to four creative women whose lives were irrevocably changed by last year’s pro-democracy protests.
- Battling with the January blues? The Guardian writer Rhik Samadder tests out a sun simulator and assesses whether the artificial rays are an effective form of light therapy, or whether they just make you feel like a disorientated rabbit in the headlights.
- Elected as President of Iraq in 2018, Barham Salih is an English-educated Kurd who spent many years representing his political party in Washington. In this article, The New Yorker speaks to Salih about his growing fears that Iraq will become a warzone between the U.S. and Iran, especially in light of the Trump administration’s assassination of Iranian military general Qassem Suleimani.
- John Baldessari, “who gave conceptual art a dose of wit”, sadly passed away at the beginning of this week. In this obituary, The New York Times takes a look back at how Baldessari helped to build the Los Angeles art scene and mentored a wide range of now-renowned artists, from Jack Goldstein to Meg Cranston.
- As part of It’s Nice That’s first-ever ‘Preview of the Year’, freelance creative and People of Colour Creative member Almaz Ohene outlines the ways in which companies can encourage diversity and create better work as a result.
- Can the art world kick its addiction to flying? In this article Frieze questions whether the industry’s commitment to globalization justifies excessive climate change inducing travel.
- Podcast The Knowledge Project recently interviewed Neil Pasricha. Tune in to find out more about The New York Times bestselling author’s recipe for resilience, his antidote for anxiety, and how his two minute morning routine primes each day for success.
Hopefully you enjoyed the reads from this week’s Link List, but if you’ve still got an internet itch to scratch, you can find more here.
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Text: FvF Team