We’ve known Infinite Rework for a while now, and if you’ve been following the FvF productions, you’ve already heard some of the music on the pieces we’ve created together. IR is a music production studio, that obviously has an ear for music that we can trust—and this mixtape they’ve put together for us perfectly displays their uncanny ability to pick out moody tunes.
For those unfamiliar with the term, “library music” is music created for use in films and commercials. In a time before iTunes, a music library referred to a tangible, concrete space—massive amounts of music were created and a lot of it went unused, leaving behind miles of tape and tons of records all unheard. Infinite Rework followed their fancy for the under-appreciated art and compiled a mix of some of their favorites. It’s atmospheric, dreamy music that seems to come from a moment suspended in time so, enjoy.
- 1 Jacques Siroul – Spirit of Eternity
- 2 John Saunders – Kaleidoscope
- 3 Teddy Lasry – Noir Ébène
- 4 Klaus Weiss – Incessant Efforts
- 5 Piero Umiliani – Riscossa
- 6 Frank McDonald & Chris Rae – Night Moves
- 7 Teddy Lasry – L’Odyssee Du Temps
- 8 Claude Perraudin – Arc En Ciel
- 9 Chris Evans-Ironside – Ritmo
- 10 Teddy Lasry – Africa
- 11 Benjamin Cohen & Mam Houari – Crystal Fire
- 12 Claude Perraudin – Jardins
- 13 Daniel Bouldoires & Dominique Labarre – Cote Jardin
How did you go about selecting tracks on the mix you made for us?
They are all tracks from my archive of library music albums. You can find tons of that stuff online because most of those albums haven’t been repressed so folks digitalize them and put them up on blogs and it’s fine, since you couldn’t buy that stuff anyways. I’ve always been highly fascinated by the combination of music and moving images so of course I love music that was made specifically for that. And with Infinite Rework, that’s something I’d like to do—releasing high quality library music, better and different than the bland stuff you get on stock music sites and very contemporary sounding.
It’s hard to tell when a lot of these tracks were made—they have a timeless quality to them.
All the tracks in the mix are taken from records published between ’75 and ’82 with the exception of the last track on the mix which is from ’85. You wouldn’t believe the amount of amazing music that was made for TV and Radio.
Tell us a bit about Infinite Rework—what does your creative process look like when you have a new client?
So far with Infinite Rework I’ve mostly worked around very defined music references from clients, so it’s often an exercise in recreating the specific feel of a song. The range of music I get to work with is really wide, spanning from vintage blues to ’70s disco and contemporary electronic music. I enjoy the process, it forces me to explore and study the musical components and sound features that characterize a style, and what elements are needed to create a specific mood. I really like that side of it, having to achieve something very specific. It’s basically studying in a way.
Some music that Infinite Rework has produced for FvF Productions
What is your background as a musician?
I’ve always made music on computers, I started when I was 14 because I liked hip-hop and wanted to make beats. My dad is a musician and gave me some gear to start playing around with. I’ve never studied music though, I play a bit of guitar and electric bass because that’s what my dad plays for a living so those were the instruments I had around.
How do you navigate between making music commercially and also for yourself?
I don’t find it difficult at all to switch between commercial work and my personal projects. For me the two things don’t have much in common. Making my own stuff is way harder so it’s refreshing to make functional music without being worried about the artistic value of it in relation to my artistic trajectory. At the end of the day, it’s still making music and it’s fun no matter what. My dad, who’s a really hard working man, always defined his job (as a session musician) as “better than working.” I feel the same.
Thank you Gio, for sharing your special library music mix and letting these underappreciated tunes get some play time.
If you’re looking for a soundtrack to a film you’re making, check out the Infinite Rework website and Facebook.
Also be sure to check out the other FvF mixtapes in the archive.
Text:Kevin Chow
Photography: Fran Parente