Link List #152: Luo Yang, The Guggenheim, and a fond farewell to acclaimed performance artist Ulay
This week we’ve been reading about the Chinese photographer capturing the youth culture of her native country, a new exhibition in New York exploring environmental, political, and socioeconomic issues, and what older generations of women can learn from young feminists.

- “So I admire the young, and that seems worth saying when… some older women are so inured to the task of surviving patriarchy that they can’t break out of the “not that bad/toughen up” framework to acknowledge that, yes, this shit sucks, and it does have an effect on us, and it’s wrong,” says writer Rebecca Solnit. In this opinion piece for The Guardian, she argues that it’s a myth that wisdom comes with age and that young women and girls offer new tools to use
- In this short video shared by The Guggenheim, take a look inside the upcoming exhibition Countryside, The Future. Conceived by architect and urbanist Rem Koolhaas and AMO director Samir Bantal, the rotunda installation currently at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York presents original research that addresses urgent environmental, political, and socioeconomic issues
- Photographer Luo Yang talks to It’s Nice That about her latest series titled Youth. A highly anticipated successor to a more personal series, Girls, Youth captures China’s Generation Z through an intimate lens
- AnOther magazine pays tribute to Ulay. The acclaimed artist made his name in 1970s Amsterdam and through his artistic partnership with Marina Abramovic.
- Last week, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty on two accounts including third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual assault. Indie magazine responds with an opinion piece explaining why his conviction should change the way we view victims.
Hopefully you enjoyed the reads from this week’s Link List, but if you’ve still got an internet itch to scratch, you can find more here.
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Text: FvF Team