Link List #138: Call-out culture, German reunification, and tentacled technology - Friends of Friends / Freunde von Freunden (FvF)

Link List #138: Call-out culture, German reunification, and tentacled technology


Link List #138: Call-out culture, German reunification, and tentacled technology

This week we’ve been reading about Barack Obama’s objections to contemporary ‘wokeness’, German cultural icons memories of the night the Berlin Wall fell, and the artistic duo highlighting society’s screen addiction with their new surreal photo series.

Andrew Rae and Ruskin Kyle: Phone Buddies
    • “The world is messy; there are ambiguities,” said Barack Obama during an interview about youth activism last week. Check out this article on The New York Times to find out why the former U.S. President objects to the often judgemental nature of “wokeness” and “call-out culture”. Or, for an in depth look into the concept of outrage culture, listen to this recent episode of NPR’s Hidden Brain podcast which explores how it impacts our politics, communities, and minds.
    • The Atlantic takes a look at Russian author Karolina Pavlova’s A Double Life, a 19th century feminist novel that explored internalized oppression and the concept of the unconscious mind a full half-century before Freud popularized the idea of the subconscious.
    • Combining photography and illustration, London-based art duo Andrew Rae and Ruskin Kyle’s portray modern devices as sinister, slimy monsters in their surreal image series titled Phone Buddies. Find out more on It’s Nice That.
    • Dazed Digital speaks to the journalists who exposed the Harvey Weinstein scandal about how they revealed Hollywood’s secret, and why they were never afraid of the now-disgraced producer.
    • To celebrate 30 years of German reunification, cultural legends—from Wim Wenders to Ute Lemper—share their personal memories of the night the Berlin Wall fell. Find out more in The Guardian.

Hopefully you enjoyed the reads from this week’s Link List, but if you’ve still got an internet itch to scratch, you can find more here.

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Text: FvF Team
